
类别:EB5政策趋势 时间 :2017-04-08 浏览 :3122 评论:2
内容摘要:2017 年 3 月 8 日北京时间 23 点美国众议院司法委员会就 EB-5 投资移民计划的改革方案召开了听证会,长达 4 个小时听证会,充斥着赞成、反对、质疑,甚至包括对 EB-5 所存在问题的怒斥等各种声音。

2017 年 3 月 8 日北京时间 23 点美国众议院司法委员会就 EB-5 投资移民计划的改革方案召开了听证会,长达 4 个小时听证会,充斥着赞成、反对、质疑,甚至包括对 EB-5 所存在问题的怒斥等各种声音。


参议员 Charles Grassley 要求国土安全部提出改革方案时说到:“前国土安全部部长 Jeh Johnson 在年初提议 EB-5 区域中心计划需要停止 TEA 划分不公并且增长投资额度,我强烈支持这一提议,这是让移民计划回归其初衷的第一步,我相信 Trump 政府也希望这一计划为美国创造新的就业和资金投入到欠发达地区。”

“Earlier this year, former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson published proposed rule changes to the regional center program that would stop gerrymandering and increase investment levels.  I strongly support these changes.  They are a vital first step to returning the program to its original intent: creating new employment for American workers and infusing capitol into distressed or rural areas … it appears the Trump Administration will move forward with them.”


参议员 Patrick Leahy 在阐述为什么目前 EB-5 项目没有帮助到农村或高失业率地区时说到:“只有 3% 的 EB-5 资金流向经济欠发达的乡村地区,不到 10% 的投资用到真正的高失业率地区。几乎每一个 EB-5 项目都利用不公正的 TEA 划分将其定义为高失业率区,但很多都是位于这个国家最富裕的地区。”

“Only three percent of EB-5 investors now invest in rural areas. Three percent. Less than 10 percent invest in true high unemployment areas. Almost every other EB-5 project uses gerrymandering to qualify as distressed, despite many being located in the most affluent parts of the country. ”


EB5 Capital 区域中心总裁 Angel 在讲话中陈述: “ 投资金额大幅度的增长会震惊整个市场,并且我认为这会使 EB-5 投资移民计划走向终结。” 并且说到: “美国在与其他 40 个国家一同竞争吸引投资人。而因为我们复杂的移民要求、发放的签证数量和审核案件积压量,目前我们已经在吸引投资人方面渐渐失去竞争力。而所提议的投资额,会使投资人更多去考虑其他国家的投资项目。” Angel 虽认同投资额应该上调,但是对于提案的投资额认为过于离谱。最后陈述: “总之,尊敬的主席先生、Conyers 先生以及司法委员会的各位成员们,我强烈建议当局取消之前所提交的议案,并且我恳请在座各位支持国会完成 EB-5 移民计划的立法改革。在国会决议产生之后,我们可以再讨论新立法的法规变化。”

“Such an increase will shock the market place and in my opinion decimate the EB-5 Program. The U.S. competes forinvestors with about 40 countries. Our ability to attract investors is already compromised because of our complex immigration requirements, visa capacity issues and processing backlogs. An increase in investment amounts at the magnitude proposed will further drive investors away from U.S. projects.” “In conclusion, Mr. Chairman,Ranking Member Conyers and Distinguished members of the Committee, I strongly urge you to advise the current Administration to cancel the regulations proposed by the previous Administration. I ask that you instead support Congress to complete its work on legislative reform of the EB-5 Program.  Regulatory changes in support of new legislation could then be revisited after congressional action.”

国会议员 Jim Sensenbrenner 在其陈述中说 : “ 美国移民局报道称,从 1990 年至 2014 年,EB-5 计划已经创造了至少 73,730 个就业岗位,并为美国带来 112 亿美金的投资额 ... ... 投资移民计划对我们的经济发展作出了巨大的贡献,我们不应该只关注今日所遇到的难题,简单得将之定义为 “失败”。允许投资人进入美国是国民福祉,并且提议建立一种小型且投资金额少的移民计划,这样移民人群就可以为美国带来大量的投资贡献。”

“Customs and Immigration Services has reported that, from its inception in 1990 until 2014, the EB-5 program has created at least 73,730 jobs and generated more than$11.2 billion in investment...The immigrant investor program has made great contributions to our economy. We shouldnot look at its problems today and dismiss it as a failure. Admitting investors to the United States is in the national interest and recommended the creation of “a small, numerically limited” visa program for immigrants who could contribute “a substantial amount of investment.”

本文标签: 美国投资移民EB-5




EB-5投资款能不能拿回来? 选对项目很关键!
EB5最近都没前进,孩子面临超龄 还有什么能变通的方法吗?


